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The Inhabitants

Fachhochschule of Wolfenbüttel accomodates a great number of foreign students, we have met about as many Germans as people of very varied countries.

This chart represents all the universities partners of Fachhochschule of Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel in Europe with colored needles, it should be known that Fachhochschule has partnerships in the whole world, but the complete photograph of the map of the world is not very readable! !

We will begin the presentation of the people whom we met by those of my collocation:

Javier (prononce Ravire) is Spanish , he carries out a six months training course in Fachhochschule in electrical engineering.

From left to right: Johanness, Rene and Jarno are all the three Finns carry out also a training course in Fachhochschule, but they study them in plumbing.


Michael has come from the United States, and studies for one year data processing in Fachhochschule de Wolfenbüttel, it is thanks to him that we A vons been able to have a connection Internet in our collocation. On the last photograph, one can see it in company of his girl friend who is German.

In first we have Robert, English, then Simon, French who is cooking, it does not form more part of collocation but he occupied my room right before we arrived. Then we can see Maria and the Micheal's girl friend. Maria is Spanish and she has been here for nine months in Wolfenbüttel.

On the left Antoine who lives in StudientWohntheim (translated by city U), and which has followed the courses of Fachhochschule for one semester, in the medium still Maria with Alicia my neighbor. Finally on the right a small photograph of all in the park, with Maria, Michael and Alicia.

Ici trois Allemands se font griller des saucisses, dans la cour de l'université pendant la pause de 10 heures!!!!!!!

Florian, which studies in a school of engineers at Tours and which follows the courses of Fachhochschule during one semester improvises us here a small melody of saxophone accompanied by Mathieu with the guitar.

From left to right: Morgan, Gilles, François and Marie. All French quatres, and Gilles who comes from the IUT of Tours carries out also his training course of second year in Wolfenbüttel, but although being part of department GEII it is not in the same laboratories as us.

I met Fatma in the bus, she studies electrical engineering in Fachhochschule of Wolfenbüttel in alternance, and if the photograph is taken so far it is because her parents do not want boys taking photo of her. We have talked for about 10 minutes in front of the bus stop, but impossible to make change idea.

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