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Wolfenbüttel city

First thing that shocks when one penetrates in the car in a German city is a small detail; : fires of circulation have a strange color before the passage to the green!Then, when we crosse the city by foot, we noticed strange apparatuses, which make an odd noise fixed on these same fires , it acts oneself in fact of a device allowing the partially-sighted persons to in full safety borrow the pedestrian crossings.When the pedestrian is red, they emit a repetitive sound on the two sides at the same time, when the pedestrian is green, the high speakers placed on each side of the road emit a sound each one their turn and if the eyes are closed, we can visualize the sound to make return tickets.

but the town of Wolfenbüttel is not limited to its fires of circulation. It is a very flowered city but when sespecially at the time of the year when we visited, mais quand we walk in the small streets, we do not see only one garden without flowers.

The architecture of the houses can appear surprising, but it should be known that one month before we arrive, in May, there was still snow in Wolfenbüttel. That explains these pointed roofs partly.


German downtown area with its houses wirh at the ground floor stores and stages of dwelling, follow-up of the sign of the door of entry of our collocation.


In the medium we find the sight of the window of the room of Morgan, my room giving on the roofs, we will not show it.

At two minutes of walk of our hiring a small pond is play about merrily geese, ducks, swans, it even sometimes happened to us to see an ashy hairon. All these people around the pond without worrying about wild birds, because of the avian flu.

This being is not very large, one spends approximately 10 minutes to make the turn of it while running, imagine our surprise, whan one morning during my jogging I saw a 15meter boat see last picture.

here we can find two typically German automats: the first is a cigarette distributor that we can find on every two blocks, although their number has decreased these last years, then something of which we should be inspired in France. it is about an automat which is in Fachhochschule, and which is practically beside each drink ditributor, it possible to recover the bottles out of glass that are consigned and gives 15 cents in exchange.

To not end this presentation on machines of a such beautyful town here is a photo of a sunset!!!

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