Presentation of the training course

The homepage

The city of Wolfenbüttel

The Fachhochschule

Hall of residence

The cities visited

The required equipment


The leisure activities

The transports

How to come?


Choice of the Language:




The Fachhochschule

    Under this name really hides the term from " specialized College ".
Here is the official site of the university: Fachhochschule Braunschweig / Wolfenbüttel

    It really consists of not less of 5 Campus of which here is their composition:

Here is the laboratory in which we worked, and it is in this last one, that all the training courses realized by the students of the IUT of nîmes were made.

gauche  gauche centre
droite  droite centre
manu au labo  moi

Here is the rest of the fachhoschule, at least the photos that we did we let you the delights of the discover of the rest.

couloir gauche  Cafétéria
mensa  entrée
symbole fachhochschule